Saturday, February 6, 2010

Back to Elk

today my brother showed up here in seattle with all the kids in tow,
it is my understanding that we will be going to the seattle aquarium with the kids followed by other family fun. when it is all over I will be hiching a ride with him back to Elk, Wa. I am somewhat looking forward to this ,and at the same time I feel a bit of trepidation at what I may encounter. there are many at home who want to see me, but I feel it may not be a very long visit as I lack many of the things I need to function well there. most of the places I have to stay (many open invitations) have limited internet connectivity, and horrible cell reception. it is amazing how much my life has changed in the last 3 years.
Not long ago I lived in elk with no power and only a pager with voice mail. I would check the messages once a day via a cell phone. I had to raise an antenna up on a pole and connect the wire to the phone to get a signal, and I would charge it up with a solar panel. I ran my whole minsitry pretty rustic with karosene lamps and solar, and shake flashlights. I had simplified life down a lot, but then i had a few recovering alcoholics or drug addicts living with me all the time, and I also had to prepare bible studies and sermons that i had to give at other churches and ministries so phone, power, computers, e-mail and the rest were just distractions.
Now a few years later communications technology is the core of my ministry. Right now my largest project is setting up infrastructure for gyspsy ministries the largest of which right now is it is amazing how fast this is growing, but of course there is a really good core group running it. I am also doing a lot with helping different missionaries, and churches connect on a golbal scale. All of which now means I need to be reachable it would seem that the old days of checking messages once every day or 2 and getting back to them in a week or so are gone.
It will be nice to return to the sticks for a while. It has been a while since I have spent any realtime with english speaking christians that know me well. I really miss the acountability and fellowship. I hope to spend at least a couple of weeks there and renew ties to a home church I have not seen in almost 3 years now for any real time. I will also get a chance to meet with Steve Anderson and possibly Adrian Simila, and potentialy aid them with contacts and connections for thier upcoming trips, but mostly I could use a bit of time to refocus, and perhaps work on the book about the kazakhstan trip, and do some maintence on my website as well as help the Lord's Ranch with some of thier infrastructure needs.
I feel like the Lord is preping me for another big thing, but I have no Idea what is coming. I am excited to find out, and I think it will be revealed when i get back to Elk. I hope to be posting more about this, and and some of the exciting things going on in the gypsy ministry when I get there. I am excited by some of the indicators. Well until next time I remain.
Yours in Christ,
Donald C Phinney II

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